Help me plan an affordable coop!!!!! Please!!!!


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
NE Kansas
OK, I ordered 14 standard hens, 1 rooster, 1 silkie and maybe inheriting 3 Old English. Thinking that I need at least a 10x12 coop (which is downsized from the 16x12 that I originally wanted). Hubby has a bunch of 2x4s to use on the frame but he is really getting worried about the cost of this project. Do you have any other ideas on how to design a cheaper coop?? Thinking that a "lean to" style would probably be the cheapest. ???? BTW chicks will be here on March 24
I am no help whatsoever. I got so much of the wood for free, but when it came down to hardware cloth, chicken wire, locks, hinges, hooks, paint, etc. we spent way more than expected. Stalk Craig's List like mad every morning and night and try to be the first to grab any free or cheap stuff that might work for you. Today someone posted an old aluminum travel trailer... not sure how long it was about it looked to be about 22" long or so... was really cute, all white outside... gutted - for $100. Someone that has some creativity and the space could make something really cool with that!

Try to make it as best you can with your means, because re-doing everything sooner rather than later because of cutting too many corners just makes it more expensive in the long run.
Look around for what you can recycle....I recycled an old wooden swing and slide set. Pallets are a godsend.....see who's willing to give them away in your area. And I agree...Craigslist and Freecycle are good places to look for inexpensive or free building materials. Good luck with your project.
You don't need a big coup. However, you do need a big run that allow them to run around. I used shipping box that elevate above ground with cement blocks so the chicken can hide underneath when weather getting hot, cold or rainy day.
well if you don't need it to look the worlds best go to the local lumber mill and get the side cut boards. these are the first cut boards. one side still has bark on it and is rounded. they are unfinished but are sometimes sold for pennies a foot. some mills sell dust and scrap to paper mills though so you may strike out. milk creates for laying boxes. a chainsaw can provide many posts if you have some property with some hardwood. tin can be salvaged from old metal buildings, sheds, trailers, ect. also if a house burns down with a tin roof the tin usually survives if nothing else. all kinds of material can be salvaged from old trailers. just some ideas. also if you have a contractor friend. he can hook you up. anything he pulls out he may be able to give you. warped boards, old skuffed doors, old counter tops, free windows, ect. also when they place an order for material, (they often buy wholesale) have them add your order to theirs.
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For raw materials see my posts on:

There are lots of things you can find while driving through an alley and happen to have a truck while doing this. Always ask permission if you can. Ordinances here really forbid dumpster diving but if you ask permission Its better.

Look on Craigslist for Sheds or play houses that need to be repurposed. There is also a Free section on Craigs list. Look for wire there and or fencing. Youd be surprised how much chainlink is simply thrown out. Chainlink is good for the run for protecting against people, cats, dogs and big predators but needs a liner of about three feet high to protect your chickens from preditors that may pull them through the wire.

Happy hunting
Habitat for Humanity has all kinds-o-cheap stuff. Taking a trip to the dump to ostensibly drop off (a little) trash, if you take your time, and the attendant is either sympathetic or not there at all, you may find just what you need. Although it's probably not allowed, they don't seem to mind if you take more than you came with. But it does confuse them, lt's O.K. gives someone to laugh at
You got what you wanted! There is a WEALTH of stuff at the dump.
Also, just talk it up in your social circle, you'll find that someones brother has a neighbor that has all kinds of stuff stacked behind his garage, or whatever, believe me it's everywhere!!
We are all here due to the same affliction
Go for it
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