Help me play the breed and gender game.... 4.5 week old chicks

Lady of McCamley

Free Ranging
13 Years
Mar 19, 2011
NW Oregon
I got a grab bag of fertile eggs from the farm store and hatched them June 13. They were said to be "pure breeds" but some may have "Ameraucana" in them...I'm fully aware of the ambiguity of the word Ameraucana in the chicken breed world.

As the chicks are feathering in, I'm wondering what I've got with an eye on also figuring out what gender I've got as I can't have roosters where I am.

Thank you for your patience as you scan these photos and help me out.

For those who enjoy this sort of thing....Happy sleuthing

Chick #1 came from a pale tan medium size egg and appears to be developing a pea comb. I'm thinking most resembles an Easter Egger .... although it has yellowish/pinkish legs and it currently has no muff or beard. I'm also leaning towards pullet as he/she looks like Monk (sans beard and muff) of "Sulo and Monk" on the Easter Egger thread. Otherwise I'm at a loss as neither Welsummer or Speckled Sussex have pea combs. Mutt????


Chick #2 came from either a pale tan medium size egg or a larger medium brown egg (but not dark brown as a Welsummer's common dark egg, although I know some pure Welsummers can lay a lighter egg at the end of the cycle)...two chicks hatched at the same time so I couldn't tell who came from what egg shell when I checked. I'm guessing this chick is either a Speckled Sussex or a Welsummer. If Welsummer, definitely a girl as she had strong "V' and strong eyeliner as a chick. I'm also leaning towards girl if a Speckled Sussex as she has the long body and tail as demonstrated by Speckled Hen on this Speckled Sussex thread:

Chick on the left in the first and middle photos and right on the third photo as day old chicks

Here she is at 4.5 weeks...I'm guessing Speckled Sussex pullet???? Possibly Welsummer.

Chick number 3 I am fairly confident is a Banty Easter Egger. Came from a small banty size blue egg and was yellow with black zig zags as a day old chick and has green legs. Only real question here is gender. Coloring suggests the common male color of Sulo from the link cited above, but the comb is very small and yellow. I think it has a straight comb coming in slowly. I think I heard Banty's mature more slowly so I may be guessing for awhile????

Right chick at 1 day old

At 4.5 weeks old

Chick number 4 is a real mystery chick. It came from either a light pale tan egg or medium brown egg. It was greyish with brown chipmunking, even a mask as a young chick. It has slate legs and very small yellow comb (straight?). I'm thinking pullet Easter Egger???? Maybe even an Olive Egger???

You can see the tan mask here and the brown chipmunking on the day old obviously is the chick on the left in the second day old chick can see the brown chipmunk pattern.

It is very camera shy so I could only get a group's the Robin looking bird

Thanks for your help...I really appreciate your input.

Lady of McCamley
Welsummers have no white on them; from your pics I can see white spots on the ends of the feathers.

Welsummers also have yellow shanks, whereas Sussex have white.

Okay...that makes sense. I double checked and yes, there are white spots on the feathers and those shanks are pinkish beige. Super. I already have several Welsummers and was planning to get a Speckled Sussex...hee heee...the grab bag came through for me

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