help me sex my guineas PICS

I have been told that the males' wattles are more rounded, though I don't know how accurate that is. The best way to sex them is by their call. I've also read that the helmets of the males is bigger, but it is such a minute difference it's almost impossible to tell!
the females carry they're wings lower so they appear to have a hump on they're back

also they tend to hug the ground more and not stand as proud as the males

they also have smaller wattles then the males.
The whole wattle thing is not exactly always accuate. This year I had one of my "males" hatch a nest. I swear by the looks of "him" he was a he. Well when I saw "him" on the nest I went to check it out. he got off the nest and stood out in the yard doing the hen chirp. So the sound is the best way to determine

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