Help me to choose Rooster for my RIR, BSL pullets


7 Years
Jun 3, 2017
Hello everyone, I am new to chickens this year.
I bought Rhode Island Red and Black Sex-Link pullets from local store hoping one would be a rooster, but no luck. What breed would be best rooster for my flock?
in my mind, without a doubt would be a Rhode Island Red.

He would match your RI hens.
No matter what kind of rooster you would breed the blacks with will not give you anything but mutts.
because the blacks are hybrids.
even a black rooster would have given you mutts. because he also is a hybrid.
That depends on what you want the rooster for. If it is for breeding, then a RIR rooster. If you just want a rooster that is sweet and looks after the hens, then a Dorking or Coronation Sussex would probably work well. Those two seem to accept handling okay without much if any aggression typically.
RIR are known to be feisty, but if you want a roo for protection, a little aggression can be hand to ward off predators. Either way, it is a crap shoot. Some roosters can turn aggressive, some can be sweet as pie. Some can be doted upon, but still turn out aggressive. I say go RIR, and as long as he's good to the FLOCK, then he's doing his job.
don't expect a great deal of flock protection from a rooster.
to say that "this breed" or "that breed"
is more aggressive OR docile is not accurate. any breed can be either.


I would humbly suggest you research your breeds and typical dispositions.
I would humbly suggest you research your breeds and typical dispositions.

"Typical disposition"
Sounds like you just agreed with. jvls1942
Ive got to agree with them also. Ive had hundreds of roosters over the years and some of the worst have been from breeds that were said to be docile while others were of breeds said to be nasty but were the sweetest.
"Typical disposition"
Sounds like you just agreed with. jvls1942
Ive got to agree with them also. Ive had hundreds of roosters over the years and some of the worst have been from breeds that were said to be docile while others were of breeds said to be nasty but were the sweetest.
Although breeds have reputations, it is a crap shoot!
"Typical disposition"
Sounds like you just agreed with. jvls1942
Ive got to agree with them also. Ive had hundreds of roosters over the years and some of the worst have been from breeds that were said to be docile while others were of breeds said to be nasty but were the sweetest.

Yeah, I have raised many many roos from multiple breeds. Just like all animals, different breeds have different dispositions and intellect. It is like suggesting that a male Chihuahua and Rottweiler share the same disposition. They don't.

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