Help!! My rooster wont stop pecking the back of my hens neck!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 4, 2011
My rooster pecks only one hen on the back of neck/head until she bleeds. I have separated him twice to punish him and let him back with them yesterday. He is doing it again. She hides from him and the other hens. Its like she is an outcast. What should I do? Just let him continue doing it, get rid of her or him? Thanks for any help!!!
My rooster pecks only one hen on the back of neck/head until she bleeds. I have separated him twice to punish him and let him back with them yesterday. He is doing it again. She hides from him and the other hens. Its like she is an outcast. What should I do? Just let him continue doing it, get rid of her or him? Thanks for any help!!!
When you remove him is she fine with the other hens?
oh he is fixing to be dead after attacking my 5 year old a minute ago. Now i need to figure out where i can buy another rooster
oh he is fixing to be dead after attacking my 5 year old a minute ago. Now i need to figure out where i can buy another rooster
YIKES!! Your welcome. Good luck on finding another rooster.
I am having the same problem. My Tillie has a big sore on her back. I hate to think I have to get rid of Bill but..... Meantime, is there safe ointments I can use on my hen? I'm looking into chicken saddles to.

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