Help! One of my roosters is acting like a broody hen....


9 Years
Mar 21, 2010
Alta Vista , KS
My 15 wk old rooster was attacked by a dog thursday. Yesterday he walked with a bad gimp. Now hes not walking at all. He just sits there like a broody. Hes eating and drinking wonderfully. No punctures anywhere. Is his hip out? what to give him?
Have you tried to move the gimpy leg to see if it moves right? Does he seem to be in pain? (Don't know how you would tell...?) Can you tell if anything is broke? If his parts seem to move ok and nothing seems to be broke, no apparent internal injuries (bloody poop?),
then I would just give him a few days. I would keep his food and water close at first, then after a few days move it where he can't reach it without walking. Other than that...I don't know what to tell you. Good luck! Maybe he is just sore? I don't know anything about chicken medications...just routine advice that would apply to just about any animal. Maybe someone else will jump in here...
Dont think anythings broke. To be honest he seems Fine. Heads perked up and hes very alert. Doesnt seem to be in pain at all. Even talks to You. Im giving him water with vitamins. Scrambled eggs and feed all within reach. Poops just a bit runny,no blood.
I'd say as long as he seems alert, that maybe he's just a little shocked. Sounds to me like you're doing everything a Vet would tell you to short of Xrays to see if there's something you're not seeing. Hope he's back to normal soon!
We had a meaty last year that went lame. Couldnt walk, just sat there. we thought it was the usual meaty deal where they just go lame but he was ok otherwise we thought he was just over ran by his compadres. Kept him separate made sure he had food and water neatby at all times. He could drag himself around a bit. We started to lift him up and let him try and stand on his own, physical therapy you know. He got somewhat better, could walk around wobbly by time it was time. (this one I felt bad about offing since we helped him get better, even sort of named him Howard:() Turned out he had some bruising and a partially damaged tendon. Had he been a regular chicken, he prolly would have eventually healed and been fine. BTW, Howard was the best tasting of all of them.
I wasnt aware that meaties just went lame sometimes. Hes a broiler[little yellow chick you kids think are so cute and really want]. Could this maybe be the same thing? I just didnt want him to die yet because that would be one more to my dogs death toll.

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