Help! Our bantam rooster is getting frisky with 20 week old pullet...!


Pooper Peeper
11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Sebastopol, CA
Okay, this really sounds silly, but we (My niece and I) are not liking this rooster's frisky business. We feel really sorry for our pullet, Eagle, because she acts as if she is not receptive to his affection. She seemed very upset, for she was hanging her head and hiding under her coop-mate's feathers. But, it seems as though our rooster, Bo, feels that Eagle's ready to mate. How can we let nature take it's course without having Eagle so upset? Is this typical pullet mating behavior? Can we get Bo to leave her alone until she's ready? How do we even know she's ready?
That's just the way it goes. I've noticed that roos may even be rougher on the young pullets until they learn to submit. She will be o.k. 20 weeks old is about the right age.

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