HELP our peacock is chasing our hens and other cock 1 is in shock

little blue

Chillin' with my Orps
9 Years
Jul 11, 2010
Mansfield, CT
we have 2 peacocks and 2 peahens in a very big pen and today our older peacock was chasing our to hens and the other cock we were woundering what is happing and he jumped on top of our other peahen and now she is in shock and very scared does anyone know what is going on
when i went out there he was being very aggrasive one peahen was laying in the barn in bad shock my girls said he is chasing them an jumping on them.anyone else ever had this happen i locked the 2 hens an the 1 yearold peacock in there barn an left him in the run.when should i let them back together.dont know why he is being so mean thanks for any help
its breeding season and he's being territorial. It would be best if you removed him for a week or two.... and let the others have their pen back.
If you can not remove him, make sure you give the other birds some hiding places so they can get away from him. This is temproary behavior... it will get better. They dont usually hurt anyone, but its nature...... and really no fun to watch.

When dealing with a dominant animal, its best to remove it from the pack/herd/flock. This allows the other animals to reorganize their hierarchy. So that when you put the alpha animal back with them... he is now the 'new guy" and has to live by their terms, not his.
right now we have them seperated he is in the run an we locked up the 1 year peacock an 2 hens in the barn i think i will leave them like this for atleast 24 hours an then see how they do my girls said he jumped on the hen when i went down there she was laying in the hay with here mouth open i picked her up an calmed her down she is doing better now.
i just let them together to watch an see what is going on.i think our peahen is really ready to breed an it is getting our older male excited.she is now running around calling an seems like she doesn't want the young male around the mature male is just following her every where.think they will be o.k think we will start to get more eggs soon.she will not shut up just has been calling for about 45 mins now.

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