Help Please ! Male or Female ?


6 Years
Aug 30, 2013
Hi All
We're new to all this chicken stuff, but we have five birds and we even made a luxury pad and run for them to play in !
We wanted them for eggs and fun but now they are about 8 weeks old they are showing some different characteristics and
at least 2 are particularly aggressive when being handled.
We need to know the sex and everyone has different opinions so here's a couple of pics ! If you can, please help ?
Just to get an opinion from members would help us



how old r they??? if there crowns grow quickly within 3 weeks then it is a rooster if not then it is a hen
Hi, Thanks. They are about 7 weeks. 4 of them have really strong red crowns and 1 has a very small orange one ! The four also seem to be more aggressive and constantly 'fronting' each other. I don't know if that's an indication too ? Can I seriously be unlucky enough to get 4 out of 5 males ??
I'm not a good guesser but, such red combs at an early age make me think males. You could post individual photos of them on "what gender or breed is this?"
Thanks, I thought so but was just hoping otherwise. I will give them back, keep the pullet and buy 4 hens almost ready to lay. Will the existing pullet be okay with us introducing 4 older hens?

Sad though because we will miss our little 'roos'!

Hi All
We're new to all this chicken stuff, but we have five birds and we even made a luxury pad and run for them to play in !
We wanted them for eggs and fun but now they are about 8 weeks old they are showing some different characteristics and
at least 2 are particularly aggressive when being handled.
We need to know the sex and everyone has different opinions so here's a couple of pics ! If you can, please help ?
Just to get an opinion from members would help us




The white/grey bird in front is a cockerel, the buff red bird behind him is a pullet, the other grey/white bird further back is also a cockerel.


The birds appear mixed, but is mostly irrelevant anyhow. 8 week old chicks with combs (not crowns) and wattles that large and that red are cockerels. Secondarily, the stance on most of them, along with the legs and tails also confirm cockerels.
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