Hi All,
I am a new chicken owner.
Oddly enough never liked any type of birds at all. Bad experience as a child with a Goose LOL!! Then a woman down the road convinced me it would be a great learning experience for my kids if i Incubated some eggs and hatched them!! So I agreed to and she agreed to take the chicks when they were born. But, when they hatched she refused she told me 4 chicks were not worth her time and I should take them into the woods and let nature take its course (let the coyotes eat them).
Well needless to say there was NO WAY I was gonna do that so I became a chicken momma lol......Now my little ones are 9 weeks old. And I've grown to adore them......My question is breed and sex? Here are some pics. I think I have an idea myself interested in anyones input.
Fergie LOL unless shes a roo
Elvis unless hes an Elvira??
Dixie shes such a sweetie!
Presley?? Or Pricilla???
I am a new chicken owner.
Fergie LOL unless shes a roo
Elvis unless hes an Elvira??
Dixie shes such a sweetie!
Presley?? Or Pricilla???