Help sexing Ixwoth chicks. ( PICS ADDED)


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
Hi i have 2 ixworth chicks that are 3 weeks old, can anyone please help me sex them. I will add pics if some one tells me how to do it as i don't have a clue. What should i be looking for when trying to sex this breed?. First 2 pics is chick 1 and the second 2 is chick 2.
Thanks, marlene.




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I haven't heard of them before so I had to look them up. Looks like you've got an interesting breed there! I know with the Ameraucanas, that have a small comb and no wattles to speak of, they have to be much older before you can be sure of the difference. I would look for the cockerels to have thicker legs and pink combs at an earlier age.
Wow, this is a really rare breed so you may not find many takers (including me) that can sex them with experience. When I first looked at the photos, I thought pictures 1 and 2 were of different chicks and only on re-read did I see they were the same. The comb seems different to me with the first photo a bigger rose comb so I was going to guess that it was a him. Maybe its just the angle. Plus the legs are really sturdy looking.

Perhaps if you could get photos of both of the chick's combs from the front we could look at how developed they look. I think it really is too early to tell, though.
Wow Ixworths! Beautiful white birds, very rare. They almost went extinct in the mid 1900s. I really wanted a pair of these back when I was heavily into raising chickens 15 years ago. Apparently they're the best table breed too with their Cornish/Orpington genes.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you got 2 pullets. Then again, I'm not too familiar with rosecomb stages in pullets/roos.
Thanks all for your replies. I see the breed and fell in love with it, i was lucky enough that my local farm keeps these breeds and in spring and summer sell the fertile eggs.
I will have to read up a bit more and see how i can maybe sex them but will try and take more pictures of them from a front view and see what you experts on here think.
Thanks again for your time.

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