Well I did it. I got four ~6 week old chicks, they are new to me, from a girl who got them from a 4h hatcher. They are some mix of buff orp and new hampshire reds apparently. Is there any way to tell if they are new hampshire or rhode island? Anyways, I picked two of the lightest and two of the darkest small ones she had. I figured if they were smaller and had smaller combs, relatively, they would be more likely to be hens. She said she thought they were all hens, all 12 of them, but wasn't sure. It will be my luck they will all be roos and I will have to give them away or..... Anyways, I will post pictures as soon as I can.
P.S. I would love opinions on sex and if they really are buff orps and new hamps.
P.S. I would love opinions on sex and if they really are buff orps and new hamps.
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