Help sexing Silver Laced Wyandottes - 8 weeks old


7 Years
Feb 14, 2012
Labelle, Florida
I've read so many things about sexing SLW's that my head is spinning. I have four chicks, all eight weeks old (sold as pullets but you know how that goes!). The problem is they all look pretty much identical. I took photos today (4-16-14) but unless I enlist some help to separate the ones I've already taken pictures of I don't know if I've got double images of the same chicks or not
I know there's some doubles as I think the image in the second row far right and the whole bottom row is the same bird.

They all pretty much have the same hue of reddish/pinkish to their faces, everyone is showing some sort of wattles, etc.... so that's what has me panicked that they are all boys.

What I figured I'd do is throw a mish mash of a bunch of photos together from today and if anything SCREAMS rooster to you let me know and what I'll do is get my husband to help me shoot some new photos so there's detailed ones of each bird and can separate them as I go and post all new images.

You should be able to click this image to view it larger.

Thanks so much for looking

This was my first time raising chicks and also first time buying 'pullets' from the feed store and I was so worried there would be roos in there since there usually is...even when sold as pullets. I bought 12 (four EE's, four SLW's, two New Hampshire Reds and two sex links) thinking maybe some wouldn't make it, and maybe some would be roos. I can't believe my luck so far
all 12 are fine, they're all enormous now at 8+ weeks and I'm excited. Ten more weeks and I'll introduce them to the roo I have and my three other hens.

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