Help this Chick Sitter Identify her Mother's Breeds Correctly!


7 Years
Dec 9, 2012
Arbroath, Scotland
Greetings Chicken people,

So I've been chick/chicken sitting for my parents this week, and my mother had told me that the eggs she had hatched were Frizzles, and Pekin's. Although I thought she said Pecans, and so have been calling them that for the past couple of weeks. Oops. Now apparently two of the hatched eggs were Frizzles, although only one of them looks like a Frizzle, with its poofy out feathers. The other looks more like a pheasant, haha.

The oldest is just over 3 weeks, with the youngest being 4 days younger than that. Could you identify them that young?

This little bundle of job pictured above is the one that apparently wouldn't have survived on a farm as she was quite weak when she was hatched. Apparently she would have just got the chop. Grrr. The other chicks were great with her though, they were actually helping her stand up and everything. And now when they are mock sand bathing on my mother's rug, she's diving in on top of them, it's so cute! I have ordered my parents that they are keeping her. My dad wants to keep her too. They've said they're keeping 2, as we already have 2 chickens. Although that number started at one, haha. Went up to two within days. We've got enough space, as not only do they get out every day to roam our back garden which is a decent size, the chickens also have a HUGE run as well, and their coop within that.

Ooh, other what age can you introduce them to an actual sand bath...and not just my mother's rug...I'm sure she'll appreciate that one. *giggles* They're in my Beagle's crate in spare room just now, with their heat thingy madoofer. Got down grit paper as well that they like mock bathing on. But they definitely prefer the rug, they dive out onto it like it's playtime.

Any help would be aces! I just like to know what I'm talking about when I start talking about them...which is pretty much all the time right now. Heehee.
Ooh, and they were hatched at my mum's nursery, but she took them home when it came to Easter holidays, and will look after them until they are ready to go to new homes. And she is being very careful with who she rehomes them too. And I'm trying to help, make sure they get the best homes possible with awesome people. Preferably Vegetarians/Vegans too. Haha.

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