Help!! What am I dealing with??? (Worm & dropping pics attached)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 18, 2011
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hi everyone!

I'm posting here because I'm worried about my 2 year old hen Choccie. Last week I noticed some worm larvae in her droppings, as well as some red mites on her behind. I contacted the vet who advised me to treat both of my chickies with Moxidectin (1/2ml orally per kg). It's been 3 days and the mites are gone, but the worms are still alive and kicking in each dropping Choccie leaves behind.

I've searched the internet in vain to find out what type of worms I'm dealing with but can't seem to find out what they are. I have some pics of the droppings which I have attached. If anyone can help me identify the worms I'd be very grateful!!!

Search on the forums for treating them for worms using Valbezan wormer !/4ml small bird, 1/2ml for standard size.. Kills all worms. Retreat after 10 days. Given Orally.
Thanks for your quick response. I've found lots of products that people on this site recommend but I can't get them in Australia. I've even tried ordering them online and having them shipped here but I can't get them into the country. Moxidectin is the only available product for worms that my bird vet is aware of within Australia.

Right now I'm just looking to identify the type of worms to ascertain whether or not I need to take my chickies for a visit to the vet, but I can't just take them anyway as I couldn't afford it unless there is nothing else I can do from home.

Thanks again!
Doing a search for it with google shows it is available in Australia, it is a sheep wormer so if you know any sheep farmers you possibly can get some from them.
It appears to be tape worm segments from this information >>PECK HERE<< for Additional Information on the Treatment of Intestinal Worms, taken from another post.. I hope they don't mind, I could not attach the pdf..
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It appears to be tape worm segments from this information >>PECK HERE<< for Additional Information on the Treatment of Intestinal Worms, taken from another post.. I hope they don't mind, I could not attach the pdf..
Looks like Tape worms to me too! Here is an old remedy that old farmers use to give their horses Chewing tobacco Something about nicotine kills them or repels them not sure which. But I gave to my dogs and it worked.
I may be able to help here! Try researching Apple Cider Vinegar for treatment for worms. It's cheap and as far as I know effective. I'm not an expert however so you may want to do a bit of research on it. By the way, you're the first Aussie I've encounted on the website. Good luck with your chooks!
those seem pretty small for tapeworm segments, plus the color is wrong...... tapeworm segments look like a piece of rice........... have you tried ivermectin pour on for cattle..... this will kill mites/lice/worms/parasites......... put 4 or 5 drops on the skin, between the shoulders/back........... i got mine from from for 12 bucks and its enough for hundreds of doses....... you've got to have cattle ranchers that use it..... make sure its the pour on....... throw away eggs for 2 weeks..........
ACV is not usually used to get rid of worms. It is used to keep the body in condition to make it inhospitable for them to have a party inside.We all have worms, however your chicken have a party going on and you do need to worm. Try pumpkin seeds ground up for treats to keep the little buggers at bay when you get them cleaned up. and you need to find out where they they are getting them, change the environment to make it conducive to good bugs.Use the ACV as a routine. It does all good things.

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