help!! whats wrong with my chicks


8 Years
Jul 3, 2011
hi can anybody tell me whats wrong with my chicks, last night after i did the chickens i went to give the chicks more food but i noticed on of them was dead and their poo was bloody so i seperated the other three and i have just got out of bed and there is blood everywhere even in the water bowl the three chicks are still alive but i dont' know what to do anymore!!
Sounds like coccidiosis, makes their poop bloody. They will need an antibiotic, Sulmet is the most commonly used. I use medicated feed and have never actually had to personally deal with coccidiosis, so hopefully someone here will chime in and help you out a little more than I can.

I think if they get sick enough they will stop eating and drinking, it is very important that they drink because they are getting dehydrated from the bloody diarrhea. I hope they are still doing ok!

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