Help with 4 week old Wyandotte Chick - rooster or pullet?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
West TN
For my daughter's birthday we purchased some Silver Laced Wyandottes for her. There was supposed to be one rooster (marked) and the rest pullets. They ended up overcharging us and so gave her an extra chick (supposed to be hen). I am concerned the extra was another rooster. We have never had a loss with chicks but this year at around 4 weeks we found the rooster dead. We could not discover any reason. All other chicks are doing well. We have two feeders and waters. I had noticed this other Wyandotte being aggressive toward the rooster, but it never seemed deadly. This is our first experience with a rooster. We have always just raised laying pullets/hens.

Thank you for any assistance in identifying the chick as male or female.

First Photo is of the back. The saddle feathers look different on this chick than the other Wyandottes. It is larger. All were purchased at the same time.

Comb and wattles more prominent and developed than the other Wyandotte chicks. Also seem like they might be more red.

Thank you, for your response.
Well at least we still have one rooster. But not happy if they gave us a second one (because of overcharging us for hens), and it killed the original rooster we ordered.
rooster have short tails and wings hens have long tails and wings..
Is this as chicks, at this age?

We had noticed the tail feathers on this chick were 'stubby' and the others longer. And above the tail feathers on the body, in the saddle area, that they were black and white, whereas the others looked all black. Not to mention the comb seemed larger and the chick itself taller.
The red-combed one is definitely a cockerel; pullets don't develop such large, red combs at this age. Feathering is less reliable in terms of sexing, but males do tend to feather in slower and have shorter tails than pullets.

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