My 8 chickens are now around 8 months old. This is the first time I’ve ever had chickens and so far I’ve loved every second of it. We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Golden Sex Links and 1 Ameracauna Rooster. Our rooster has finally began to take up the role of a protector. I’ve seen him chase cats out of the backyard and he’s even batted at my leg a couple times when I needed to hold a hen for whatever reason. One thing that I noticed is anytime he does come at me and hit me with his nubs (not quite spurs), some of the hens will actually run up to him and peck him the face almost as if to get him to stop. I would assume they’re saying “hey come on knock it off or he’ll stop giving us treats!”
Anyone else ever notice this behavior in their chickens? Is it normal or do my hens really just love me enough to protect me?
I attached a photo of my rooster. I began to hold him in order to get him to stop being so aggressive towards me. His name is Spunk.
Anyone else ever notice this behavior in their chickens? Is it normal or do my hens really just love me enough to protect me?
I attached a photo of my rooster. I began to hold him in order to get him to stop being so aggressive towards me. His name is Spunk.