Hi All... I got five day-old chicks two weeks ago.... Our barn where I normally brood chicks was full of hay so I didn't want a heat lamp in there, so I moved a chicken tractor into our chicken coop to brood the chicks there.... Now one of my hens won't leave the coop and has quit laying.... She seems to think the chicks are hers and chucks to them and they gravitate toward her even though they are separated by chicken wire.... Should I let her in with them or will she kill them? She seems really protective of them and gets agitated when we handle the chicks... If she adopted them, I think I could get rid of the heat lamp. Last spring when we brought home chicks, she found their brooder while out free ranging and then immediately decided to go broody. (Strange for a polish hen)... I just don't know if I can trust her, but want to make her happy! Any advice? Thanks.