Kells ks
In the Brooder
I have three 12 week old silkie bantams, 2 pulleys and 1 cockerel. have been together since chicks no real issue. He will do his bossy cockerel thing(found his voice 2weeksago). Today all of a sudden one of the pullets is really going after the cockerel..I looked at the forms even google can’t really find anything to explain this behavior. They have gone through the pecking order along time ago nothing like this. All 3 are very sweet. The other pullet going between the two and making sure their ok. I can hold them all no problems but as soon as the cockerel comes close to the pullet ,she goes right after him. The only thing I can think of is I disrupted the pecking order when I put a new leg ban on(has my information on it). Because that’s when she started attacking him.
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