Hen ate a baby mouse. Is that okay?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Okay, definitive proof that chickens do NOT attract mice...

My cat was just playing with a baby mouse she grabbed from my neighbour's garage, when, before I could intervene to let it go somewhere else (yes, we're softies when it comes to cute furry critters), the chickens saw and went nuts. They grabbed the mouse--which was alive--from the cat, chased the cat away, then fought over the mouse which made frightened squeaking noises that broke my heart. Anyway, it was over in a few seconds and Rose, our Rhode Island Red/Columbian Rock cross ate a whole baby mouse by herself and I feel like I need some Zoloft (for me, not the chickens).

Anyone know if this is fine, or if Rose is going to have some intestinal trouble? She ate the entire thing in one whole gulp after killing it. Will she be okay or will she be barfing it up, or constipated or anything like that???
She will be fine. Chickens eat mice, snakes, anything that can't get away. I, too, would feel pretty traumatized, however.
My crazy chickens caught and ate a baby copperhead last week. I watched the whole thing!!! I was chasin them around trying to catch up with them to take it away. One got on one end of the snake, and one on the other. Yeah, you guessed it, they both ended up with the poison snack!!! They are both just fine. So I think the mouse is ok. Great meal for your:weee
She will be just fine.

I only saw it once but I saw a flock of hens surround, terrorize, flog and peck a small to medium size copperhead to death once. Then shared their spoils with the rest of the flock.

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