Hen Attacked by Dog


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Dedham, Ma
Hello, my hen was attacked by a dog. I only know what it was because someone saw it happen and called my husband. I had already found her when I noticed she wasn't with the others. It was yesterday and she is eating drinking and even came out of the coop to range with the others. She lost a lot of her feathers and has a gash on her back. I cleaned it today and I don't know what else to put on her. I noticed when I looked at it that the wound almost looked bubbly and I saw tiny tiny things moving around in there so I washed it off with the hose and put poultry protector on her to hopefully stop the bugs. What can I do for the wound. I also noticed that she actually laid an egg today. If she didn't have the gash and feather loss you would have no idea anything happened to the poor girl so I need to make sure I care for her while she heals but don't really know what to do?
You can put neosporin on it to help heal it and protect it from infection.
I agree with the post above. But don't use the Neosporin with pain. Use the one without. Hope she heals fast. And I hope you find the dog. It probably will be back.
Thanks. I just ran to the store and picked up some without pain and applied it. I'll keep putting it on her till it heals up.

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