Yesterday one of my hens was attacked by an eagle. She has a ton of missing ing feathers and a gash with exposed muscle. the muscle isn’t torn though thankfully. the gash is about one inch by two and a half.there’s a smaller one that i don’t remember the size of because i was in somewhat shock last night. we put Neosporin and Vetericyn on the wounds. She’s separated from the others in a coop with food and water. I’ll put more information and pictures in a comment once i go out and check on her.
Do you guys think she’ll make it? she’s my favorite hen and i love her so, so dearly i want her to live. Also is there anything else i should do?
Do you guys think she’ll make it? she’s my favorite hen and i love her so, so dearly i want her to live. Also is there anything else i should do?