Hen attacked by eagle, i scared it away but she’s injured. HELP PLEASE



Sep 5, 2021
Northwest Washington, USA (near Seattle)
Yesterday one of my hens was attacked by an eagle. She has a ton of missing ing feathers and a gash with exposed muscle. the muscle isn’t torn though thankfully. the gash is about one inch by two and a half.there’s a smaller one that i don’t remember the size of because i was in somewhat shock last night. we put Neosporin and Vetericyn on the wounds. She’s separated from the others in a coop with food and water. I’ll put more information and pictures in a comment once i go out and check on her.
Do you guys think she’ll make it? she’s my favorite hen and i love her so, so dearly i want her to live. Also is there anything else i should do?
My dad says he saw a new gash on her neck. i haven’t gotten to look at it yet but he says he saw fat so it’s pretty deep. she’s still vocalizing and looks bright-eyed and she tried to escape the coop when i went to check on her. i might not have pics until later sorry. i’m trying my best.
It was smart to separate her to give her time to heal. A quiet place just for her.
Did you clean the wounds before applying the meds? Checked to make sure nothing is broken?
I've read many posts where the chickens were badly injured and recovered. There is hope. Keep doing what you are doing.
thank you. we put plenty of vetericyn on to flush it out before neosporin. i don’t think anything was broken. i’ll check again in a bit.
Do you guys think she’ll make it? she’s my favorite hen and i love her so, so dearly i want her to live. Also is there anything else i should do?
I've had birds scalped and survive well.. so there is hope!

1 was a broody raised chick scalped by a hawk. The other was a duck scalped by a raccoon.

Mine all stayed with their flocks during recovery. I watched for pecking issues which didn't arise. I only separate for serious lethargy or pecking issues.

I've had birds scalped and survive well.. so there is hope!

1 was a broody raised chick scalped by a hawk. The other was a duck scalped by a raccoon.

Mine all stayed with their flocks during recovery. I watched for pecking issues which didn't arise. I only separate for serious lethargy or pecking issues.

thanks. we had a scalped bird a while back. mostly i’m concerned because that’s just such i big gash on a chicken. that would be a big gash on me.

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