Here comes the Rooster
One of my 1 year old, Buff Orpington hens, has been lethargic for 3 days now. She barely moves, hasn't eaten more than a couple bites from my hand in three days. Since she was first laying, she's has problems with soft shelled eggs and becoming egg bound. Usually once a month, we have to help her get an egg out. On Sunday, she hadn't laid in a few days, so that was our first thought. We lubed up and got the shell less egg out, like normal. Unlike other times, she didn't perk back up right after. We've been giving her poultry cell and nutri drench, just to try and give her some nutrients. She also has had calcium supplements. Her comb and wattles look normal, she doesn't have lice, mites, and she's been wormed, so I'm leaning towards her having a second egg backed up. She spent the day in the nest, trying to lay, and sleeping. We believe she has a defect in her ovarian system. If there is a shell less egg that's bound up farther in her system than we can reach, is there anything else we can do to help her expel it? Or, any other suggestions as to what's wrong? I've got a feeling she won't make it another day.