hen had impacted crop... we cleared was fine... now weazing/moaning no drool and no impact .what now

Joanna Ryder

In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2017
pine grove, pa
my hen had an impacted/sour crop .. the systems were a moany like weazing, and drooling. I took care of her syringe watering and getting her to " vomit " four hours on an off ... finally all cleared up she was pooping and eating a drinking fine. No more drool and her moan/weaz was gone. We kept her in the house an extra day to make sure all was fine. Then we took her back to the coop.. Several days later she is weaz/moaning again ( no drool this time) and she has little to nothing in her crop. I don't know whats wrong but can tell she is in distress. Any thoughts ideas? please help.
From my limited problems with crops it often seems that a crop not emptying properly is indicative of other internal problems. I have had no luck helping them long term.
got the crop cleared everything seems fine that way she just seems to have a cold now but i can’t figure how to get rid of it ... we’ve been trying get rx and it seems to help some but when she gets excited or nervous she starts “wheezing “ again

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