Hen Has a Bad Scar

I would blunt the end of his spurs if he were mine. They aren't terribly long, but they are sharp enough to hurt and do damage. Sometimes they slip while mounting and that's when it happens. How many hens do you have? He may be overmounting if you don't have enough girls. I would try to secure those places you can raise on your wire, a determined predator, is just that, determined. Also wonder how secure that door is when closed? Are there any gaps? Do you know how the raccoon got in? It's more of an enclosed run than a coop. If you have any predator come around at night, since they can see the birds, it could cause a panic, and you could have injuries from that, they could bash themselves on the wire trying to get away.
Where are you located, generally? Is this going to work for you in the winter? If it gets cold where you are they are going to need to be able to get/stay dry and have a windbreak, likewise if you have heavy, blowing rains. If you have snow, not sure that frame is going to be strong enough to support it.
I've actually been through a winter (in Indiana) with them and they were perfectly fine staying inside the actual wooden part of coop, it was nice and cozy for them, no problems with heating, rain, snow, or even ice coating the entire thing (although sometimes they'd simply be caught outside in the rain and they'd get all wet). Honestly, the only problem I ever had with my chickens at all in the winter was their water was always freezing. No rooster scratches, no animal break ins, no durability problems, nothing. I have the door secured with 2 diagonal bungy chords that lock down the corners, then another 4 very tight bungy chords locking it down horizontally. I have two more bungy chords that are admittedly not as tight. I also have a horizontal wooden board that sits against the bottom of the door which I keep with a cement block. I did all this after the racoon attack, where it honestly could have gotten in anywhere since I had so many openings in the run and the door was only held down by 2 weak bungy chords. Looking back that was ridiculous, but I am a first time chicken owner. If you have any ideas on how I can lock my door (it folds upwards) I'd be glad to hear it. It's just difficult to find a way which I can still open the door with it still being safe. I haven't seen anything try to chew on them or even move that board, so that's a good sign. Btw, I have a 2ft predator apron around my coop as well.

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