Hen has a blue comb-lethargic-white running droppings - ??? WITH PICS


9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
I noticed my hen sleeping under the perch when I came home from our thanksgiving trip. In the morning, She was lethargic, but she still went outside. I noticed that the tips of her comb were blue. Today, she would not go out side and her whole comb was really purple/blue. Here are some pics of her today. She has white droppings stuck to her feathers.

She is a a year and 7 months old. She stopping laying about ten days ago. She started showing symptoms three days ago. (the person taking care of the chickens said that she did notice anything - she was there on the day before we came home).

None of the other hens seem affected.





Any Ideas? I had a rooster die of Marek's about three weeks ago, and I haven't had any more cases. Could this be some form of Marek's?

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I don't know about Mareks, but if I was you I would try to clean her bottom up and clip those feathers so it won't get like that again. Have yo googled Mareks to see if her symptoms match up. [ if you decide to clean her up make sure it's inside out of the cold with warm water and then dry her good] Then again maybe not get her too wet just try and clean that off of her.
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Her symptoms are nothing like what my rooster had, but i know that there are many different forms of Marek's. My rooster had the leg paralysis kind, with one foot back and one forward.

I'd would clean her up, but I'm not sure she is going to make it. (hope I'm wrong). She has gone downhill fast in the three days that I've been home.
She was dead in that box this morning.

However, I am still wondering what she had. Just Curious.

I would like to make sure it doesn't spread. And I want to gain my chicken knowledge so that I can help other people.
Yes, I still have the body.

Sorry about your hen. Could she have had an egg bound up in her? If she stopped laying, like you said? Poor girl.

Are those typical symptoms of egg binding?

I've never considered doing a necropsy. That would be a good idea though. How could I find where one is near me?

Any idea how much something like that would cost?​
Nice looking, healthy bird otherwise, you might want to see what it is if possible.

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