Hen is broody away from the yard...


8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
I thought I had lost a hen when she stopped coming into the coop at night and didn't see her the next morning.

Well my hubby found her yesterday... hiding under a pile of brush he was moving to burn.... needless to say I had him put the brush back. So she has been broody approximately 17 days now.

I am wondering if I should set some food and water out there with her so it is close and available for possible chicks? I have a fenced in chicken yard ( mainly to keep my dogs out of the coop) and about half of my flock just jumps out and free ranges. She is obviously one of them... I dont think she will be able to get the chicks back in the yard.

Not quiet sure what to do. I know I will be monitoring my dogs when they go outside just in case.
If I was you I wouldn't leave food out there, it will attract rodents which could get the chicks when/if they hatch. If I was you I would rather let her come back for food and water or take some and leave it for her to get and then take it away when she gets back on the eggs. Also the hen doesn't usually leave the nest until the chicks are about 3 days old so when they have finished hatching, you could take a box to put them in then bring them back to your coop. Good Luck. I'm on day 15 with my hen so I am 2 days behind you!
Also if she has been sitting for 17 days that means the eggs are on day 16 now because day one is like the day after if you know what I mean. So say the eggs were set on Sat, day one would be Sunday and they would hatch 3 weeks on Sunday.

My broody hen...

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