Hen just laid her first egg and now she is little bloody and her egg was covered in blood


7 Years
Feb 1, 2012
Bison Kansas
My silver laced polish just laid her first egg and it was huge, had blood on it and my hen is missing some feathers and and is kinda swollen and little bloody back there. what do i do to help her so it doesnt get infected, will it get easier for her with each egg she lays? she is eating and drinking and walking around fine, dont want to over react, but i dont want my girl to get sick or hurt.
Well, how much blood? Blood is considered pretty normal for first-timers, but if it's a lot or there appears to be any other symptoms, I would be a little worried....as for her little hiney...I would gently sponge it off with some warm salt water and then let her be for now...if she isn't showing other symptoms, it could just be normal....especially if the egg was large. Watch her closely though and if her eggs continue to come out this way, she may have an internal problem like a parasite.

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