Hen laid weird egg


Jan 28, 2016
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Hi all
My two year old hen, Florence has had trouble laying the past few days but didn’t really show it, I just noticed she sat on the nesting area forever and no egg.
Today I came home and noticed he standing on the hill outside our kitchen window and she has laid the weirdest mess of an egg.
It had shell and a sac of egg white separate and yolk on it.
Is this normal to happen occasionally ? I’m worried about egg peritonitis now and am considering a visit to the vet for antibiotics ..
Here is a picture of it
It may be just a soft-shell egg in which the hen hasn't enough grit or oyster shell to help it make a firm shell. The egg may be just because she is ill or hasn't enough grit

But i'm not sure about her having trouble laying, as i'm not one for treating illness
Maybe someone else more experienced will speak up:confused::)
She could be showing a sign of having internal laying, or she may have had a soft egg that was difficult to pass. So, I would give her a human calcium with vitamin D3 in it (something like caltrate,) and do that for the next 3 days, in case she has a calcium deficiency. Some do use antibiotics to try and prevent infection when hens lay soft or broken eggs. Some common ones are amoxicillin or Baytril. Baytril is not approved for chickens in this country, although some use it for some things being aware that it may be present in the eggs for sometime.

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