Hen layed crazy egg............


10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Rural Hall, North Carolina
Today one of our Red Sex-link hens layed a full size egg that was white with such a thin shell it was almost like leather. What went wrong?? I have never seen an egg like this. I busted it and it looked normal inside. Anyone seen anything like this before??
do you feed the calcium of any kind ? My sex links did that when they were getting too many treats and not enough calcium or protein.
Yep. Just a glitch. Make sure that your hens are getting enough calcium in their diet. You can see lots of pics on the "weird egg" or "egg fart". Just go to the "search" button and type that in. You'll get lots of hits.
Thanks for the info. I have never supplied a calcium suppliment because I have never had anything like this to happen. They free range in a 60' x 40' run so I thougjt they would find all they needed. I have never had a problem with my Sumatras. I'll put so out ASAP. Thanks.

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