Hen not feeling well?


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2015
Indiana, USA
My barred rock hen has been on and off acting lethargic and just overall not feeling well. She doesn't consistently fit the profile for being egg bound as I have checked her vent and felt no egg. Also she's not rapidly declining in health which from what I understand is the case with egg bound hens. But something is still up, she continues to do a pushing action with her rear. I included a link to a video I took of her in her house for the night. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

I hope someone who has experience in this answers you soon. All I can think of is to maybe try to give her an warm epsom salt soak? Sometimes it can help perk up a hen not feeling so well, and aid in soothing her vent.
(I usually blow dry my chickens after their soak)
I have tried giving her an epsom salt bath in warm water for about 20 mins. It did seem to help her for the remainder of the day, but by the next day she was acting lethargic again. I believe she is broody also, could a broody hen be trying to push out an egg she doesn't have?
Unless someone comes along that knows about these things...
If you have the time.... I'd give her a few 20 minutes soaks a day...
Maybe try dulcolax ....? they say it doesn't harm the birds, we use it for an impacted crop.... is she pooping...? maybe send the video to a vet, see if they will help...?
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try dulcolax next. I will look into e mailing the video to a poultry vet asap. I was amazed to discover how many "regular" vets have no idea how to medically treat chickens
I don't think it's broodiness. if anything they will stop laying eggs when broody.
this thread almost sounds similar (but isn't necessarily super helpful):
however, everything I read seems to point to being egg bound. If you google "chickens abdominal straining" you will find the same information I'm reading through. You might try giving her calcium and lubricating her vent just in case..

I hope your vet can help (maybe try an avian vet?). I'm sorry I'm not more knowledgeable! I hope she recovers!
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My barred rock hen has been on and off acting lethargic and just overall not feeling well. She doesn't consistently fit the profile for being egg bound as I have checked her vent and felt no egg. Also she's not rapidly declining in health which from what I understand is the case with egg bound hens. But something is still up, she continues to do a pushing action with her rear. I included a link to a video I took of her in her house for the night. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

I wasn't able to see the video but we're having the same problem with 1 of our Barred Rocks. I moved her yesterday to discover she was sitting on 6 eggs. She flew the coop for part of the day but ended up back in the same spot. Last night she didn't move when I went to check on here but when I moved her she was still alive. It started 2 days ago after I gave them some crushed egg shells as a treat.
I took her to the vet today. Xray shows swelling and inflammation around her organs. She suspected egg peritonitis but her abdomen is not filled with fluid, but rather inflammation. She gave me antibiotics to give her. I will see if that helps her
Glad you got her to a vet and found out..
I think its good news that no fluid is filling up.....
Let us know how its going..!

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