Hen not opening her eyes


Sep 24, 2019
Hey there!
This morning 1 of my hens was not opening her eyes, with gloves on I tried to open her eyes & couldn't. I used warm water on a cloth to soak them a little & then she opened them. I can see the whites of her eyes are red. Ha this happened to anyone or do you have any suggestions ? For now I isolated her from the rest, I have 10 total, 4 are babies. Not sure what to do. Thanks!
Hey there!
This morning 1 of my hens was not opening her eyes, with gloves on I tried to open her eyes & couldn't. I used warm water on a cloth to soak them a little & then she opened them. I can see the whites of her eyes are red. Ha this happened to anyone or do you have any suggestions ? For now I isolated her from the rest, I have 10 total, 4 are babies. Not sure what to do. Thanks!
Welcome To BYC!
Can you post some photos?
Describe your housing/coop/run.
How old is she?
When you mention she couldn't open the eyes, but after a warm compress, she could open them - were they glued together with pus, discharge - any scabs, wounds, etc. around the eyes? Any facial swelling, mucous from the nostrils, coughing, sneezing, etc?

General eye care would be to flush with saline, remove any debris/pus, then apply an eye ointment 2-3 times a day.

There are many causes of eye issues - from respiratory disease to getting something stuck in them. If both eyes were stuck shut, it would be more likely that it's respiratory illness, but without testing, it would be hard to know which one. A few of the more common ones are Mycoplasma, Infectious Bronchitis, ILT and Infectious Coryza.


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