Hen or Roo...? All Cochins


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 4, 2010
Hi there.... I have posted on here before and did not get very many answers but I am hoping this is an easier questions hehe.

I have 4 hens that I got about a month ago... They are about 11-12 weeks old now and well one looks like it is growing up to be a roo. I dont know for sure because I am really new at this chicken stuff. I want to make sure I know because I have 4 small bantams in the coop (same age) with him/her and I would hate for him to crush one of them (as I have heard stories of) while doing his thing. :dizzy: Please let me know what you think and thanks ahead for you opinion!

If he/she is a roo what would you recommend doing if you were in my spot... thanks!




I agree it looks like a rooster ................ I have never raised Cochins though. The others are not developing combs like that one though. I always find someone to give my extras away to. Maybe you can ask the place you got them from.
Aw thanks for the reply... I emailed the farm yesterday to see what he recommends and if I can grab another same age hen from him... ugh uh oh I just want the little ones to be hurt when he starts his duties!
I have a full size maran roo with my little banty serama hen and 3 frizzled banty cochins. He has never hurt any of them.

He does look rooish but not totally, hopefully you have an early blooming pullet.
Great... That is good to know I was just so worried about how big cochins get and how small bantams are. I can live through the crowing really it is ok... but I would hate to loose hens because if him... he has a really sweet nature to him! (or her)

Another question... when would he crow than and start mounting? (if that is what it is called in chicken lingo, sorry new to vocab here)
Huh interesting... I got them from fancy feather farms and I was under the impression they were just Cochins but interesting... hmm... thanks for the opinions they are a lot of help

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