Hen or Roo? New to Brown Leghorns


7 Years
May 14, 2012
I just got these two new brown leghorns, and I am starting to wonder if one is a rooster. I have attached two pictures of them. The pictures aren't the best, and the chick in question decided to puff itself up for the picture. I am just a little thrown off by the already large comb compared to the other chick.
BTW - When I vent checked both of them, I would have said they were both hens, but I am not expert!
Thanks for the fast response. No, I wasn't planning on breeding them. Is the comb the dead indicator that it is a rooster?
The comb, the big waddles and the very showy tail are dead give aways.
Early comb development plus the difference in feather coloration. He will eventually develop attractive reddish hackle and saddle feathers and a black tail and chest. She will retain the brown 'wild type' coloration.

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