Hen or Rooster?


In the Brooder
May 23, 2017
Hi, Newbie chicken owner here.

We recently got 2 chickens that were around 8-10 weeks old when we got them (on 29th April 2017), though we're not sure if one of them might be a rooster as over the last week one of them began giving what sounded like a little half crow/cockadoodledo a few times each morning.

I have posted a couple of photos if anyone can tell if its a rooster or just a boisterous hen that makes noise.


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Thanks, oh gee, we actually saw it do its little crow this morning so I think there's little doubt she's a he.
Two Beautiful Pure English Silver Laced Hens, Beautiful Lacing, looking to find loving home, Quality breeding stock, from my top breeding stock, Excellent quality and lacing to approve home only. Both hens are 2 years of age. Still laying eggs. These hens are from my foundation stock, Serious inquires only please. Looking for wonderful caring homes. Please email for more information. Both hens from overseas. Autumn Farm Orpingtons.
I'd love to have them but cant. :(

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