Hen or Rooster?


9 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Paradise, California
I need help determingin whether this bird is a hen or rooster. It is an Americauna and is about 3 months old. I started thingking rooster when is was about 5 weeks because of the posture. It seems to more upright. The it started looking like a hen after all when it was about 9-10nweeks, nut now I am thinking rooster again. It seems leaner and shows more of the upper legs. The tail seems more upright and refined than the others, too. I ahave never had an Amerciauna before so I don;t know if this is just the way the look. Can anyone help me figure it out? This first picture it is nervous about me taking pictures, so it is a littel more upright than usual but not much. In the second one is out of focuse but shows the posture while it is moving across the yard.

Any help is greatly appreciated! If it's a rooster I need to find it a home before it starts trying out it's voice...

Vicki in Paradise, CA
It haven't been able to get close enough to really get a good look. It seems to move like a rooster to me too...much faster and can sure bob and weave!
I don't think mine has much of a comb.....at least I don't think it's bigger than the others. I know some breeds have different size comes. Is your rooster picture an Americauna? I will try to get a better picture of the comb and hackle feathers tomorrow after work.
These are pictures I got off google! Ameraucana roosters should get bigger combs. Generally the color changes too (rooster combs turn red and hens stay more of a cream color) I will be sure to check back in tomorrow! :)
I was able to get some pictures of the comb and saddle feathers. The feathers don't look particularly pointy to me, so maybe a hen after all? I just don;t wa't to come home to a not on my door from Animal contril telling me the neighbors are complaining about my rooster crowing. If t is a rooster I have someon who wants it.


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