Hen Pecked


Sep 30, 2015
Ok, I have 18 hens and 1 rooster. The rooster picks on the same barred rock constantly. Her head stays bleeding. He roost beside her in the coop and does it all night. She is to the point that she spends the majority of her days and nights in the woods as my chickens are free range. When she heals up she with sleep back in the coop. She is my oldest hen. Any suggestions or is it just nature
It might be nature for him to try to boss her, but not for him to be pecking enough to bloody her, either there's something wrong with her physically, or your rooster mentally. I guess it's up to you whether to put up with it or get rid of one of them.
Can you see why he does it, there must be some behavior they exhibit before it happens, sometimes roosters will peck a hen who squats for him but doesn't get up, is she a submissive hen or a dominant one. I would guess she's the bottom bird. You could try some of the anti pecking sprays to see if it stops him, it might be a bad habit by now.
How old are your birds?
She may be ill and he's trying to drive her out of the flock.
It's odd tho that she roosts next to him.
I would get some peck no more or blue kote and see if that at least gets him to leave her be. If blood is drawn often I would be inclined to either cull the hen or the roo.

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