Hi I dont know if this is where i should post this.. but anyway. As well with my own flock at home for eggs I raise chickens from day olds until pullets and then sell them to local feed stores to then be sold as layers/pets. I am going to get 25 chicks that i will raise for Western Farm feed store.. but i also want a maybe two or three more girls in my flock. when i get the day olds can i put a couple of them under my buff orpinton hen? and would she raise them. Of course i would watch her and if i need to intervene i will but is this scenario possible? My thought is.. and tell me if im wrong, is that if she raises them ( and she is aplha in my flock) would the other hens accept the chicks or would they be agressive twoards them? I have 6 hens.
Please share your insight. Thanks !
Please share your insight. Thanks !