Hen sluggish, had seizure and died!


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
My 8 month old hen was extremely sluggish today, she sat in one place for several hours then started leaking an opaque substance from her rear and all of a sudden she had a seizure and died. I don't have the first clue as to what's going on. I hope whatever it is isn't contagious, I have a coop full of chickens and I do not want to loose any more.

If anyone has an idea as to what's goin' on please HELP!
Howdy from Kansas, Krazygirl, and
! Great to have you in our flock! Sorry to hear about you losing your hen. I haven't a clue of what might have happened to her. I think you should post in the link below for more opinions. Good luck to you - hope you get the answers.


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