Hen stopped laying eggs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
San Diego
So I have a black star hen - she's going on 2 yrs old. Typically she lays 2-3 eggs a week. On May 14th she laid a tiny little egg which contained no yolk. She has not laid an egg since and she is not molting. She doesn't look sick (but not sure what that would look like anyways). Seems to be eating & drinking ok. The only thing I did notice is yesterday she had a small amount of white poo stuck to her rear feathers - don't usually see that. And she's not as vocal as she usually is. Should I try to get her into a vet? Thanks for any thoughts, ideas.
Her poo is runny compared to the other hen. And no, I've never dewormed. Is this something the vet has to do, or can we do it at home?

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