I noticed this morning that my hen has very dirty feathers under her vent. All of my other chickens, including growers, have clean butt feathers. She’s 2ish years old, Sussex bantam, hasn’t laid in a couple days. They’ve just finished a bag of layers pellets medicated with Flubenvet. Some do get watery poos after it’s been a hot day or I’ve given watery treats like watermelon. But haven’t given any treats other than 3 corn on the cobs (shared between 11 chickens). None of my flock are showing signs of illness, she is not standing around by herself or looking drowsy. She looks very healthy, in my opinion.
Is it just her fluffy butt feathers collecting the poo or something else? And am I OK to wash her feathers with warm water?
Thanks ahead if anyone can help.
Is it just her fluffy butt feathers collecting the poo or something else? And am I OK to wash her feathers with warm water?
Thanks ahead if anyone can help.