hen with nasty looking legs


Mar 5, 2017
I have a hen less than a year old with two bad legs and one looks infected. It looks like scaly mites but it's on the back of her lower leg. https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/7730660/width/200/height/400[/IMG
I have soaked her in warm water and put Bernadine, petroleum jelly and wrapped them over the weekend. Today they look the same so I have her a shot of penpro and soaked her in warm water with dog tick and flea shampoo. I am going to apply more petroleum jelly and wrap up for the night. Any suggestions would be great. She is still eating and drinking but is not moving a whole lot.
Welcome to BYC.I would give her a shot of penpro 1/4 ml into her breast muscle once a day for 4-5 days. She looks to have a bacterial infection such as bumblefoot as well as scaly leg mites. The once a day soaks would be good in betadine and warm water would probably benefit her for a week or so. Keep her warm and dry her afterward. I would then start once a week leg soaks in soapy water, and use an old toothbrush to gently scrub her legs to loosen the scales. Dry her well, and then apply either castor oil, vaseline, or vegetable oil to her legs rubbing the oil into the scales. It can take a month or more of the weekly treatments for leg mites. Castor oil is preferred by some to be less messy, last longer, and is very healing. It's about $3 or less in stores in the laxative aisle. Bigger bottles are a good bargain if you have more chickens to treat.

I'm wondering if she could have had a little frostbite, or if she has been lying in wet bedding? The sores on her legs look different than just leg mites.
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After the soak, this stuff just started sloughing off.

It was only on the other leg that didn't look as bad. One piece came off in a big chunk and other pieces just brushed off. I had already bandaged up the bad foot. I will re-examine the bad leg tomorrow after another soak.
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Gosh, I haven't seen that before even in pictures. Hopefully others will see this ans make comments. I really would give the castor oil a try. A large quart bottle is about $12 if you order it online and pick it up at Walmart. The 16 ounce is about $7.
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Is that a feathers on her legs? Could be a feather growing under the skin near that open wound. It would cause a lot of infection, seepage or crust and it will not heal until the feather gunk is removed.. if that's what it is.
Yes she does have feathers on her leg. She is a sweet little hen, I really hope she bounces back. It was quite disgusting and it did have a bit of an odor to it. I am going to give the other leg a good soaking tomorrow night and see how it is. I sprayed both legs with bactine after soaking in warm water then let it dry and slathered her legs with Vaseline. I will give her another shot of penpro tomorrow as well.
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