hen with swollen eyes -PICS-


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Southwestern, In
My bantam hen as swollen bubbly eyes and what sounds like shes congested. I'm sure it bronchitis. Can I use corid for this? It's all I have. I can get duramycin tomorrow morning. And Do I treat the rest of the flock? I've got new babies coming at the end of March... Do I need to cancel my order?


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I would think some kind of upper respiratory infection. One of my hens was like this last year. I held off on the antibiotics, and she did eventually recover on her own. but you never know...

Good luck!
Honestly Im Not sure, this is really new to me. But if you keep her separated, you definitely dont have to cancel your chick orders.
my turkies just went through this, i, ended up calling the vet on friday , he in turn ended up calling a dose of bactum (sp) not sure if that what it is call but i ended up giving them the shot under the wing......do you have a large animal vet close by/

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