hen wont let others eat!

Chase her and see how she likes it!!
She is letting the others know she is on top of the pecking order. If it's really bad, I would put her in the run while the others get a chance to eat. But, it should work itself out in time. I really would chase her away, tho, and let her know that YOU are the top hen!
put feed and water in two different places so they can get away from her and be able to eat, sometimes I feed in several different locations
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Whats the age of the hen, and the young ones?

You can try putting feed and water in two places.

You can also try and take the hen out for a few days. By taking her out, she looses her place in the pecking order, (depending on the ages of the other birds) and when you put her back in, she'll be low man on the totem poll.

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