Hens eating peanuts and peanut allergies


10 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Green Twp, NJ
I have read topics on this saying this is probably not a problem, but the responses were educated guesses.

Has anyone with a peanut allergy actually eaten an egg from a hen that is fed peanuts?
Purely anecdotal...

DH is allergic (anaphylactic) to peanuts and treenuts and he eats eggs from my mom's flock. She feeds them any leftovers that they (the humans) don't eat, which I'm sure has included nuts/peanuts at some point or another. He hasn't had any issues.

I wouldn't worry about it, though have an epipen handy when you try it, just to be safe.
I am glad you asked this question! My daughter is currently conducting an experiment for her FFA Agriscience Fair project and we are feeding dry, roasted peanuts in our hens' daily feed. We had this same question as we are pretty "newbie" on raising poultry. She's had hens for about 3 years for her FFA SAE project and we sell the eggs. I came across your question while searching the internet to hopefully find answers to that very question. So very likely this thread will be referenced in her report.

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