Hens in the Garden Compost/ Black Soldier Flies


Mar 15, 2018
Does anyone else let their girls play in the garden compost? My girls absolutely love it although I do lose a lot of material!
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried raising black soldier flies on the garden compost for their chooks? It sounds like an amazing idea, but I have know idea where to start!


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I watched a Youtube vid where this guy just puts his compost stuff straight into the run. Once my new coop is finished, I'm going to make a hoop coop with about 2 ft sides. I'll put my compostables in one end of it, let the chickens have at it and move it on down a few feet. By the time it gets to the other end, it should be almost ready compost. I'll let it age out a few months, to make sure the new poo has cooled down enough to not burn plants.

This will keep me from having to build a compost heap and turn it. You can't beat free chicken labor!
What a great idea!
Some stuff I compost isn't chicken friendly (potato skins, coffee grounds, avocado peel, etc.) so I do like to have an actual separate pile.
Chickens will usually leave things that are not good for them alone, so I'm gonna try not having a separate pile. Selling compost is part of my business plan, so I need it turned and ready as quickly as possible. What the chooks don't eat up, they will at least turn often.
Chickens will usually leave things that are not good for them alone, so I'm gonna try not having a separate pile. Selling compost is part of my business plan, so I need it turned and ready as quickly as possible. What the chooks don't eat up, they will at least turn often.

That's why I was thinking of the soldier flies. I've heard they can produce garden ready compost in just a few days.
I haven't read a lot about them, but what I have makes me think they would be a great addition. I gotta get this coop built before I try to add anything else. Chicken math got me again. My last flock was decimated about 5 yrs ago, so I'm just getting back in. Currently have 3 adults, 5 juvies, 6 chicks with another 21 chicks headed my way in April. Current coop is 4x8, holding for now, but seams will begin bursting soon lol.
I used to do a compost pile, my girls acted like I was steeling from them, jumped the fence and took it back! So I just toss whatever out and they dig through it. I still have the poo for their garden, but they also want the rabbit droppings,,,,which are scattered on the garden now, the girls are scratching,,,
I have been feeding BSF grubs to my flocks for 4 years now. I have 2 bio-pods love them because the grubs harvest themselves and I just have to pick up the container and take them to the chickens (they love them) it is an excellent source of animal protein, they have a lot of calcium for the layers and a lot of good nutrients.
There is a lot of info online to raise them. Some time ago there was a thread about BSF in BYC you should be able you find it if you do a search.
I have been feeding BSF grubs to my flocks for 4 years now. I have 2 bio-pods love them because the grubs harvest themselves and I just have to pick up the container and take them to the chickens (they love them) it is an excellent source of animal protein, they have a lot of calcium for the layers and a lot of good nutrients.
There is a lot of info online to raise them. Some time ago there was a thread about BSF in BYC you should be able you find it if you do a search.
Can you start the BSFL bin up from a few bought live larvae (kept away from the chickens)?
I'm ready to try if so. Read a lot on it last year but no luck getting wild caught adults or eggs.

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