hens or roos

I think that ou are right to have concerns about 3 of the 4. That is unless you want cockerels.
well no i wanted ALL hens. i thought they all were except for one but seeing their tail feathers is making me kinda OH NO! what do yall think of the tail feathers???
I'd say 2 and 3 are roo's. The first one I'd say maybe but appears to be feathering in slower if all the pics are about the same time which could indicate male. Can't see the tail real well in the pics to see the shape on the first pic. The last one appears female, notice how widw the lower part of the tail appears, like and inverted V. My pullets combs seem to appear redder at times so I don't trust color only.
I'd say 2 and 3 are roo's. The first one I'd say maybe but appears to be feathering in slower if all the pics are about the same time which could indicate male. Can't see the tail real well in the pics to see the shape on the first pic. The last one appears female, notice how widw the lower part of the tail appears, like and inverted V. My pullets combs seem to appear redder at times so I don't trust color only.
the first picture and the 3rd picture are the same chick. so go no. 1, no.2, no.3 and no. 4 roo or hen? i agree with the no.4 picture a hen.

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