Hey everyone,
I have a friend that let his 2 rhode island hens stay at my place over the winter because he didn't want to keep them over the winter. Well at his house his hens were alone just the 2 of them no rooster. When he bought them to my house they were integrated to my flock and were with a rooster all winter getting mated with regularly. About a month ago they want back to his house and it's just the 2 of them and he says they stopped laying eggs about a week ago and there egg production went down after they arrived. They were laying eggs once a day at my house. Did they stop laying because they miss my rooster?
I have a friend that let his 2 rhode island hens stay at my place over the winter because he didn't want to keep them over the winter. Well at his house his hens were alone just the 2 of them no rooster. When he bought them to my house they were integrated to my flock and were with a rooster all winter getting mated with regularly. About a month ago they want back to his house and it's just the 2 of them and he says they stopped laying eggs about a week ago and there egg production went down after they arrived. They were laying eggs once a day at my house. Did they stop laying because they miss my rooster?