Hens taking a holiday?


12 Years
Jun 16, 2007
Stilwell, KS
Okay, I have some 11 month old hens, (BO, BR, RIR, Red Star, Cochin mutt) that have laid like little workaholics since they were 20 weeks old. In the last 2 weeks egg production is WAY down. I get about 2 eggs a day from 6 hens, different ones on different days so no one in particular has stopped completely. In the past none have ever skipped more than one day. All are in robust health, not broody and not moulting. No evidence of mites or worms. Nothing is different in their diet or routine. I don't think they are old enough for a slow down. Any ideas?
Yeah, mine are doing the same thing. This winter, with below zero temp's and 2-3 feet of snow they gave us 9-13 eggs a day from 18 hens. Now it's 48 degrees and they are outside all day yet, we have been getting 3 eggs a day. I wonder if they are hiding them from me!
Let me know if you find any! Mine aren't hiding any because they only range 3 hours a day in a 1/4 acre backyard. The pasture isn't fenced yet. They have to go out in shifts to share the yard time with the dogs. I check on them all the time because I can see them out the kitchen window. None are staying still enough to lay, they are too busy foraging and eating the new grass now that it isn't a frozen wasteland.
2 things after laying for 6 months straight they taking a break.or they could be going into molting.an some hens dont quit laying when they molt.
yes at 18 or 20 months they usually molt.the way most chicks are hatched.they lay from winter to winter.an then molt sometime in their 2nd winter.
Mine took a day off last week, and hubby said the Easter Bunny was taking them. We all know the Easter Bunny can't lay, so he has to get eggs from somewhere. They are back in the swing of things now though. BTW, Santa lives in the North Pole, where does the Easter Bunny live?
Hopefully the Easter Bunny doesn't live near my farm...I have Greyhounds that dream everynight of their big chance to meet The Big Bunny! Also, if he has been taking my eggs, I may personally introduce him to the hounds.
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